Film Photography Collective Camera GIveaway Jan 2014

Film Camera Giveaway for Jan 2014

In January we are giving away a working Canon Prima BF  to help spread the joy of shooting film,

Just send us an email explaining why you would like to have the camera, and what you’d like to shoot before 20th Jan 2014 11.59PM!


Make sure you read the rules below.



Camera Information:

Canon Prima BF8 (Date) is a 35mm compact, fully automatic, viewfinder film camera manufactured by Canon Camera Co., Inc, Tokyo, Japan and marketed in 1998.

Prima BF8 (Date) is known Canon Snappy LXII/Date in America and BF35D in Japan.

This camera is characterized by a extra-large viewfinder, three times larger than the usual finders, BF means Big Finder. It was the final camera in the Canon Snappy series.


Direct Quote from : Camera Pedia


Sample picture here: Lomography site


    Remember we have THREE simple rules:

    1. One entry per person.

    2. You promise not to sell this camera or auction it off on eBay. If you are done shooting with it, please return it to us so that we can pass it on to another film photographer.

     3. Come pick it up from FilmNeverDie Gallery @374 Mile Lane , Parkville, Victoria 3052


    Check out the Previous Winner

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