April camera give away

Well after many exciting entries from all over the world, we have decided on our three winners for April! With 3 exciting cameras up for grabs, we had a hard time deciding who to choose! From poor uni students, people getting started in film photography and getting a camera stolen with precious photos inside! Those who didn’t win, never fear, there is still next time! So here we go – drum roll please-, the winners areeeeee...!!!

Tim Davis has won the Olympus OM-30!

‘I used to have an OM30 that my Dad gave me - all my childhood photos were taken on it. Then my house was broken into, and the camera was stolen (along with the film it contained, with a friend's wedding photos on it) and since then I've only have my digital camera to shoot on. I would love this camera so that I can hopefully pass it onto my son in 15 years or so.

 I am going to Sri Lanka in May, and would definitely use it to shoot the sunrise on Adam's Peak, or some beaches, or some elephants, or any of the other amazing things to see over there.’

What a crappy way to lose photos! I would rather get a blank roll of film back, than know my photos had disappeared to some scumbag, never to be seen again. So it was decided he should deserve to have an OM30 back in his hands again. And hopefully his son’s hands one day! Hope you have some fun with it in Sri Lanka!

Laura Freitag has won the Pentax SF7!

‘ I'm keen to take the Pentax SF7 off your hands! Why? Well, I left school after year 11 to study photography as a major in visual arts, and since doing so I have "seen the light" through my exposure to the art industry. I have studied non-stop for the past 5 years (who needs a gap year?) and am currently working towards completing my Honours degree at La Trobe university. The sad thing is, being bred into the modern age I've been mostly exposed to digital photography.. I want to approach my proposed Honours projects via the darkroom.. However, as a student with a part time job I have minimal cash to splurge. So, it'd be a lovely gesture on your part were you to select me for the giveaway. I opt for the Pentax as my number one preference, as my first DSLR was a Pentax. Reliable, easy to use, affordable - Pentax camera's are ideal for beginners and the intermediate. My second preference would be the Olympus (what a little beauty, that is!) Third, the Canon. Third simply because I'm looking for something more suited to exhibiting photography. ‘

5 years of non-stop study at Uni? Sorry Laura, bugger that! Haha. Hopefully this camera helps take some pressure off your study! Forget about all that digital, technical nonsense and get acquainted with the laid back format of analogue photography! Hope you get some great photos for your honours degree!

Lara Martinez has won the Point & Shoot!

‘I would love to win any of these lovely film cameras because I have been interested in taking up film photography for a few years now and have been looking for simple (affordable) 35mm SLR cameras, with no luck. I do have a DSLR in my possession that I love to death, but I am really interested in starting to use film. Plus, winning this giveaway would be an awesome birthday present! I’m an amateur photographer so I just bring my camera with me anywhere I go and I mostly take photos of my friends, family, and the places I go.’

This nifty little point and shoot will hopefully be perfect for you to get into the analogue game! It’s not an SLR, but this camera is simpler to use, to help you get started! Hope you have an awesome birthday!! Thanks to everyone else who submitted their entries! We are sorry you didn’t win this round, but feel free to keep submitting your stories for the next give away’s we’ll have! 

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