July Camera Giveaway winner + August camera giveaway
We had some really exciting emails come through for our competition, and as always every month, it's really hard picking a winner! We thank everyone for participating, and those who didn't make it, we are giving away 3 cameras for our August competition!
Thankyou to Stuart, Sid, Roger, Bianca, Dave & Pablo for submitting your entry!
So without further ado.....drum roll please!
Our winner of the Olympus Trip AF 31 goes to ROGER HUR!
His story of trying to teach his son about the beauty of film photography, only to lose that chance brought a tear to my eye.
Here's the tale!
'Even on vacation I worry more about which camera gear to bring versus clothes. I try to factor in what speed film I'm going to shoot dependant on weather and lighting conditions any time I bring my camera along.
Suffice to say, photography rules my life. Last spring, during our family trip to Palm Springs, I brought along my trusty Olympus Epic for my son (7 years old) to shoot a few rolls with. Unfortunately, we ended up leaving it in the seat pocket on the plane and several months later United Airlines has yet to find the camera. I guess we'll have to chalk it up to experience. My son was pretty sad about it, his Dad probably more. It was a good reliable camera that yielded good results. I think it's important to teach my children about the historical importance of film photography and although I have several other film cameras I do miss the little Olympus we lost last spring. I'd love to be able to give him the Olympus Trip AF 31 as a replacement. I'll even post the results of his first roll and pass on the link if we're chosen'
Air travel companies are useless enough with properly tagged luggage, let alone finding a camera, so we were more than happy to send him the Olympus!
We can't wait to see the results your son gets from the little beast!
August camera giveaway
So on a new note, we now have THREE cameras up for grabs this month!
First off is the Canon Sureshot Owl PF featuring a 35mm f3.8 Canon lens, Flash and self timer options!
It has a big viewfinder and shutter button, so perfect with those who have bad eyesight or stubby fingers!
Our second camera is the Pentax Espio 60S with a 35mm - 60mm zoom lens. You have the option to turn the auto flash off, as well as redeye flash, so it is a pretty nifty camera for street shooting!
We have another Canon Prima BF! It features a 35mm f/4.5 lens, auto flash and a self timer! It also has a large viewfinder to get the most detail in!
All of these cameras come with a carry case to protect it from the elements! (Except losing it, then you're screwed hehe)
As always, email an entry to filmneverdie11@gmail.com with your reason why you think you should win one of these bad boys!
Limit of one camera per entry, so pick a camera and give us your reason!
We will have another update at the end of the month announcing all 3 winners!