Filmneverdie Shooters - An interview with Krysa Hatzinikolaou

So, where do you come from & what do you do for a living?

My names Krysa, and from Melbourne. I grew up along the great ocean road, listening to classic rock and barefoot and outside. I am what the kids like to call a bit of an Art Fag.
I am full time Graphic Designer, who's now trying to network myself to be a full time freelancer found that now that i have a safe job and continuous income, i need something a little more, and that's where photography and design comes in.

How old are you?

23 year old female How did you become inspired to shoot on film?My family are migrants from Greece. I loved looking at all there film photos they brought with them when they moved. They just have this sort of character that you can't really get with a digital camera. No matter how many filters you try haha. SO a combination of that and just pure curiosity in capturing a moment forever.

What format do you shoot?35mm, Polaroid, 8 x 10 etc

I use a polaroid 600 and also a Holga. The polaroids were actually all given to me by my grandfather and i watched a lot of tutorials and read a few books and restored them. 

My Holga was given to me by my friends for my 18th birthday. The film addiction started young and it was the perfect gift.Came with loads of little lens attachments and i love experimenting with it.

Why do you like this format?

I like film because it has its own character and feel that digital can never produce.sure you can edit it add some filters, but it never has the same feel and its not the same unexpected experience as you get with a film camera.I love second hand film cameras especially because they have aged and been used, so no two are alike.and even sometimes when the film fails , you get these really unique abstract blobs of colour that are still amazing.There is also that thrill of having to savoir every shot, especially with a polaroid where you only get 8 per take.It sort of takes you back and makes you think about the shot, as opposed to a digital camera, where your mentality usually is " that's ok i can edit that".
Unexpected, characteristic and unique every single shot.

Where do you see the future of analogue photography?

I think its becoming more and more popular, to full time photographers especially. There's an interest in how it all works. Even though i know how it works, in my head its like UHHH THIS IS MAGIC haha. 

Where can we find out more about your work?

Currently rebounding myself so my website is underway. watch this space But for daily updates you can find me on social media ( instagram, Facebook etc) @krysahatz

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