FilmNeverDie Shooters - An interview with Joel Adams

FilmNeverDie Shooters - An interview with Joel Adams

So, where do you come from & what do you do for a living?

I'm grew up in Brisbane and made the jump to Melbourne about a year and a half ago. I'm an Audio Engineer by trade.

How young are you? even if you are old in age we believe you are young in heart, because you still want to shoot film :D

I've spent 25 years existing

How did you become inspired to shoot on film?

It stemmed a little from my passion for analogue gear in recording and mixing bands. I wanted something honest, real, and something tactile at the end of the day, and film gives me exactly that. All the filters and effects aside nothing beats getting my scans back from the lab and knowing it was just light, me and a camera that created that image.

What format do you shoot? 35mm, Polaroid, 8 x 10 etc

I own a Rolleicord Va so I shoot medium format only but endeavor to work my way into 35mm shortly. Whilst I LOVE my Rolleicord, it's not every practical haha.

Why do you like this format?

Shooting on a Rolleicord has forced me to really think about composition, there's only so much I can fit in that square and I need to make sure what I want to say or what I hope people take away from the shot is in that block. It's also perfect for this generation's obsession with social media with things like instagram being a completely square format up until recently. ( I really like instagram, follow me )

Where do you see the future of analogue photography?

I honestly don't know. I'd still say I'm relatively new to it so my knowledge is limited but from what I've noticed, It's been all over the place for a while with companies closing, products being discontinued, etc. but still I see so many people around me picking up cameras, wanting to explore film and the process more, so hopefully that just continues and I can spend more time shooting it.

What is a dream project that you want to work on?

My dream isn't really a project. I just want to travel (america mostly) shooting ghosts towns and interesting people in any of the brightest lights I can find within shadows. Contrast rules.

Where can we find out more about your work?

Instagram- @joeladams

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