Filmneverdie Shooters - An interview with Huw Morgan

So, where do you come from & what do you do for a living?

I am born and bred in Melbourne and I work at Film Never Die cafe.


How old are you?

I'm 19.

How did you become inspired to shoot on film?

I think I had a friend (@griffinsimm) who was really into film and photography and he lent me a camera and some film and then I just started shooting more and more and became addicted from there.

What format do you shoot? 35mm, Polaroid, 8 x 10 etc

I shoot with 35mm film and haven't really shot anything else due to the price :(

Why do you like this format?

Because it's cheap and I can bring my point and shoot anywhere  I go.

Where do you see the future of analogue photography?

I feel like it is becoming more and more popular as I see each friend that I have become inspired to shoot film. It's like vinyl it has the unlimited quality and it is more expensive than it's digital sister but this adds to the quality. As you have put more money, time and effort into each photo and it becomes more than a photo to  you. Also the aesthetic of film years and years of development have gone into creating these colours and it shows.

What is a dream project that you want to work on?

I want to capture my travels for the rest of my life, right now I want to go to Europe and utilize my dual citizenship and explore.

Where can we find out more about your work?

On my instagram @huwjmorgan.

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