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2014 'Roid week at FND
Yes, it is POLAROID week at FND this week (And indeed all over the world) and we are running a competition for the most liked photo on our event page! We only have a few more days to go, so post your best photos onto our event at:
# 1: It's a seven days Event, Mon - Sun. (Submitted photos must be shot on these days)
# 2: You can post any instant photos daily into this event page.
# 3: Invite your Facebook Friends to like your photos.
Top 3 "Liked" photos will be given a pack of TIP 600 Limited Edition Animal Skin for FREE.
# 4: This event is open to all region (including Malaysia and Europe as well)
# 5: Though we call it "Polaroid Week" ANY instant film is fine (TIP, Fuji Instax or any Peel-a-part).
# 6: If you don't have a scanner, you can take a digital photo of your polaroid, but crop out everything but the instant photo, please.
# 7: No Insta-riods or iphone-riods. This is a FILM ONLY group, hard copy instant film.
This is an event open to all people, we want to keep it simple and fun for everybody.
Let's dust out your Polaroid camera and rock on with this Roid Week 2014!
Special Promotion:
We will be having a special promotion price on TIP colour film at $27.50 per pack of film for this week.
TIP 600 Limited Edition Animal Skin will be given to the Top 3 liked photos throughout the week.
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