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Stocktake sale, Polaroid workshop,Camera Giveaway & New Leica gear
So I have just emerged from my football coma and have enough energy to write about our upcoming events and news!
So without further ado!
Stocktake Sale
You know those Persian rug warehouses that have sales all the time? Yeah like this:
Well we are doing a similar sorta thing, except not burning our stock (Anyone else miss The Chasers as much as me? ;_; )
We have SALES SALES SALES! All our excess stock must go!
Gold, Silver & Animal Skin Frame Colour 600 for $28 down from $30!

Fuji Instax Mini 10 packs for $9.50 down from $12.50!

Cinestill 800 ISO Tungsten X-pro Film for $18 (This film is almost on par with Kodachrome I reckon!)

Fuji Peel-Apart FP-3000B for $30 down from $35 (Get it while it's cheap and we still have stock, cos once it's gone - there ain't anymore!)

All of the Revolog 35mm films are on sale for $15! And 3 rolls for $44!

Ilford FP4+ 35mm is now $13 down from $15!

Ilford XP2 Super 400 is now $12 down from $13!

Agfa Vista 200 is now down even lower than it's ridiculously cheap price! $4.50 per roll down from $5!!!
-Imagine there is an example photo here, I can't upload any more ;_;-
You won't find anywhere else in Australia with these awesome prices!
Polaroid Workshop
Just another reminder that this Sunday we have our Polaroid workshop being hosted by Jake The Instant camera Guy! Seriously, this guy knows just about everything there is to know about Polaroid!
$20 for the workshop or $45 for an included pack of film of your choice!
RSVP on the facebook event or message Gary at to let him know!
New Leica gear
We have 2 new Leica Cameras and 2 new Leica Lenses (Well by new, I mean new to the shop!) They are all fully working and in pretty good nick! You won't find a better price for the quality you are getting!

Camera Giveaway
This month we have the beautiful Olympus Trip AF 31!

This little beast is just about as auto as you can get! Autofocus, Autoflash, Auto exposure - you name it! The perfect camera to get you started in film photography! Just load it up with some 35mm film, and it'll do the rest for you!
To win the camera, all you have to do is email Gaz and tell us why you think you deserve this camera!
And a little hint: Be a bit more creative than 'I'm a poor uni student' ;D
This competition will end on the 31st of July! So get in quick!
Polaroid Walk
Oh, I almost forgot to mention! We will be hosting another FND Polaroid & Film walk on the 28th of June! Our intel is sketchy at the moment, but we will have info out soon with the full details about the when & where!

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