Filmneverdie Shooters - An interview with Luke Garrett

where do you come from & what do you do for a living?
Originally from Sydney, however I’ve been living in Melbourne for a pretty long time now, Melbourne is home. I study full time and work retail to make ends meet.

How old are you?

How did you become inspired to shoot on film?
My dad always had 35mm SLR cameras that I’d mess around with as a kid but never took it very seriously. After years of ruining digital point and shoots that I’d take everywhere with me, I eventually got myself a nice little 35mm point and shoot based on the advice of some friends. Once that happened, I couldn’t put it down, it was too much fun.

What format do you shoot? 35mm, Polaroid, 8 x 10 etc

Why do you like this format?
I always like to have a camera on me and 35mm is perfect for that. I can easily have one in my pocket or over my shoulder. Being able to process it and make prints myself just adds to the fun.

Where do you see the future of analogue photography?
I’d say it’s looking pretty good right about now, who knows how long that will last though? The die hards and the collectors will always stick it out, basically, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


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