Filmneverdie Shooters - An interview with Phil Green

So, where do you come from & what do you do for a living?

i am from Barrow-In-Furness, an industrial town in the North West of England.

Professionally i work as an interior photographer in and around the Lake District National Park

How old are you?

I am one year away from Forty

How did you become inspired to shoot on film?

inspiration came from the likes of Ansel Adams , Edward Weston and Don McCullin (to name but a few Photographers)

Theres something about Black and White Film that keeps me using it.

What format do you shoot? 35mm, Polaroid, 8 x 10 etc.

i tend to shoot 4x5 Ilford Delta 100 along with 120 Delta100.

Why do you like this format?

Both Films are used in conjunction with a Large Format Field Camera, a 6x9 reducing back is used with the 120 roll film.


Where do you see the future of analogue photography?

The formats both allow for very high quality with amazing resolution without any worry regarding print size restrictions.
Tilts and Shifts are always very imporatant too.

i am hoping that analogue photography will always be supported, equally by the photographer and manufacturer allowing it to exist.

Where can we find out more about your work?

images can be seen at

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