Filmneverdie Shooters - An interview with Vince Kinna

So, where do you come from & what do you do for a living?


I’m from Melbourne, Australia. I just completed my VCE Studies and awaiting university offers in 2017. For the past 7 years I’ve been riding a scooter and have become somewhat successful, competed internationally and acquired sponsors.


How young are you? even if you are old in age we believe you are young in heart, because you still want to shoot film :D

18 years young


How did you become inspired to shoot on film?


I’ve been making films as well as taking photos (of my scooter riding) on digital slrs since primary school but only recently picked up an analog camera (a few months ago actually). The most influential people for me to start film were my media teacher from school as well as several artists like Joel Birch. I couldn’t get enough of Joel’s film content that he posted on Instagram of his travels with his band. My media teacher worked with film for several years at Uni and would always speak to me about the developing processes and what not during class. The camera I use is one he took from the school for me haha!


What format do you shoot? 35mm, Polaroid, 8 x 10 etc


To be honest, I’m still learning all the basics; terminology, what types of film etc so I’m not even sure. I’m going to say 35mm..??

Why do you like this format?


I like film for it’s ambiguity, for the skill needed and for the purpose of each image taken. I didn’t appreciate these things as much with digital (except for skill to a degree). I’m fascinated by the idea that you don’t know for sure what you’re going to get, if you’ve taken the photo properly or if the settings are right. This is when the skill of taking photos is important, because compared to digital, you can’t just take photo after photo until you like the look of it. You have to understand the setting you’re shooting and adjust the camera accordingly. I’m hoping film will develop my camera skills in this sense even further. And as for the purpose of each image, I’m attracted by the fact that every photo was taken with a reason. You really stop and think about what it is you’re trying to capture and why you want to retain its presence. No matter how terrible it may come out, I never have any inherent sense to just ‘delete’ it.



Where do you see the future of analogue photography?


Well I’ve noticed that analog photography is significantly growing in popularity again on instagram and so on. I doubt it will trump digital photography just because of how convenient it is. As I said before, I’m super new to this art so I’m probably not the best person to answer this question.


What is a dream project that you want to work on?


I don’t have a particular ‘dream project’ in mind at this stage. I just want to shoot as much as possible and learn everything there is to learn.


Where can we find out more about your work?


You can follow my instagram page @vincekinna. I post a whole bunch of nonsense on there but try to post as much photography as possible.

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