Help Us Get Our Camera Back!

So we've had our first incident in the new space (talk about milestones)!!! On Monday at around 1:51 pm, a man came in to the shop and took a camera of ours with him. The camera in person was the Black Contax G2 Kit (body, 3 lenses, flash, and carrying case), needless to say it's one of our most valuable items. 

We have footage of him in the act, authorities suggested that they've had previous encounters with him and apparently has a reputation to be quiet aggressive so we don't recommend that you approach the fellow. More so, we would just like to get the camera back if you ever see one for sale, cross check them against these serial numbers:

Contax G2 Body - serial number (body) : 046237
Carl Zeiss 45mm f2 Planar (with hood- serial number (lens 45mm) : 7803701
Carl Zeiss 28mm f2.8 Biogon45with hood) - serial number (lens 28mm) : 7853301
Carl Zeiss 90mm f2.8 Sonnar (with hood)- serial number (lens 90mm) : 7753850
TLA 200 flash-  serial number (flash) : 2061415

Needless to say all items are black variants. 

We'd appreciate if you shared this post with your friends, and together we'll be able to get this camera back!

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