Meet your BW and E6 teacher - Rana aka Jack Murphy

In his own words :

"Black and white photography is a journey into the surreal. Since most of us perceive the world through a colored lens, viewing a black and white photo already presents an abstract representation of reality. Leveraging this, we can manipulate form, texture, and lighting to draw attention to the often overlooked facets of our everyday lives.

Learning black and white processing also imparts a fundamental understanding of how film functions in translating light and silver into an image. By gaining knowledge of this process, your photographs will improve as you'll comprehend the interplay between chemistry and exposure. Moreover, it will enable you to craft a distinctive style for your photos because you'll have complete control over the process.

Furthermore, after honing your skills in hand-developing black and white film, you can expand your expertise to E6 color positive film processing. E6 is a beautiful process that can genuinely feel like real-life magic. Gazing at a roll of film with positive images that radiate in front of the light is an unparalleled experience. E6 is renowned for its unmatched colors and delightful saturation. You won't regret delving into this process.

As for me, I have been processing film and darkroom printing for five years. I'm self-taught, but working for FND over the last two years has afforded me the opportunity to refine my skills through daily practice and knowledge-building. My goal is to offer people the chance to demystify the film development process and empower them to create the images they desire."

Rana also teach BW and E6 Course with us here. Don't miss up this chance to get to learn with one of the best in the house with some BW and yes E6!

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