Noristu High-Contrast BW Process -Beta Test

Introducing the beta process for our new pull-through black & white (B&W) machine: The Noritsu V-30P. Due to the push/pull capacity of this machine, we have been able to convert it to process BW film, which until this point has been processed by hand & our own CP800.
Having a fully automatic pull-through processor is a huge win for us & for the service/quality we will be able to provide customers. Our Noritsu will:
- Vastly decrease our turn-around times for black & white.
- Provide consistent quality results across every roll.
- Reduce the chance of human error.
- Give us greater control over individual roll processing with push processing, agitation & temperature.

Our Noritsu is currently still in beta testing & we are locking down our process to be able to offer it as our standard B&W process. However, we need your help this machine reach its full potential. While in Beta testing we are offering a special B&W deal with high-res Dev&Scan at $15 & a 48-hour turn-around time.
Does it sound too good to be true?
That's because while this machine is in Beta testing, there are some small risks to be aware of while we refine this process:
- Small damage such as dust/scratches/roller marks.
- Slight over/under development.
- Increased grain & contrast.
While these risks are small, they are a possibility, hence our cheaper price. However, view the images in this post to see the results hot off the machine's dryer. Images were shot with HP5 & FP4. If you're looking for cheap dev on B&W film to experiment & play with contrast, this is the process for you & by keeping rolls pumping through this machine, we'll be able to get it standardized much quicker.
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