Disposable Camera Irreplaceable Photos - 1600 ISO Fujifilm Disposable Camera Review
This high ISO rated disposable is great for every situation during the day the shots come out surprisingly sharp and at night the great strong flash gets everything you need in the shot well lit.

The only issue that I found with the camera was that I did put my finger in front of the lens a few times. Maybe it was the Pimm's but it is probably just the fact that there is no noticeable lens. But if you are aware of this issue then this is very easy to avoid with one quick check before you take a photo.

The photos that come out of this camera were very surprising for me and I found that it is super easy to use and that it is great for anyone as you can use it at anytime. The camera is focused at 3 m so it is best to use for close ups of things but works best when taking photos of you and your friends making it perfect for a night out on the town... or bush what ever you prefer

I found it really rendered colours well as previously when I have used 1600 fuji film or any Fuji really that it does come out a bit bland but when I scanned these on a V700 the colours really seemed to pop and the amount of grain is surprisingly little even in the true blacks.

Overall this super easy to use all round camera for around the same price of 1600 ISO film is a great pick up for the weekend or any other endeavor you wish to take yourself on.
Find it here for $30
Find it here for $30
Thanks for reading.. Keep shooting