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Analogue Iran, Ali MC 2022

Analogue Iran, Ali MC 2022

Regular price $12.50 AUD
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When you title a book as audaciously as Analog Iran, readers expect great things. After all, isn't this a book about an entire country - one that most people are never going to visit? Well, yes and no. In some ways, the book is about Iran, mostly depicted as a series of urban vignettes. In many other ways, this book about a mood; the mood of a country under severe religious, economic and political pressure.

Any photography project is of course, a subjective selection of pictures created by an artist, and what is left out of the frame is often more important than what is included. That being the case, Analog Iran could of course never be a complete representation of an entire nation. Instead, this small book captures a moment in time when Trump was threatening war, the economy was in free fall, foreigners were being arrested and ordinary Iranians were being impacted in ways I could never fully comprehend. - Ali MC

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