FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)
FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)

FilmNeverDie KURO 100 (35mm, 36 exp.)

Regular price $19.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

黒 .色 .

FilmNeverDie is proud to present the new KURO 100 35mm B&W film!

Get your hands on our first batch of 36 exposure, 100 ISO, B&W process film.

FilmNeverDie's  色 / IRO colour film series ( IRO 200 and KIRO 400)  was a resounding success. Building on this we are releasing our new home-branded 35mm film:

黒 / KURO 100 film.

KURO - simply meaning Black in Japanese.  


  • Film Type: Black and White
  • Film Format: 35mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Exposures: 36
  • Development Process:  B&W 10 mins on D76 20 degree Celsius, more info on this to come in regard on how to tune it to your favourite KURO.